Thursday, May 26, 2016

Re-Release: Dakhma - Passageways to Daena (The Concomitant Blessings of Putrescing Impurity)

"Behold, the bridge of death that awaits mortals beyond the void..."

The first ritual invocation of Dakhma is set to be re-released as a 6-panel digipak with completely new artwork, realized by the possessed hand of Menetekel, through Godz ov War Productions on 31 May 2016, limited to 444 copies. 

Includes the 2 bonus tracks "Call from the Grave" (Bathory Cover) and the funerary dirge "Rite of Daebaaman (The Spiritual Invocation of Akem Manah)".

Invoke the most unholy death... Pre-orders available now here.